Equinoccial Weirdness

For someone who has spent most of their life in the northern hemisphere crossing the equator is a milestone of sorts so I plan to pay a visit to Quitsato in Cayambe. I arrived in Quito the previous day via Cayambe but the traffic was heavy and sun setting so I decide to make a trip back the following day. I prep the bike and get on the road by mid morning. I’m welcomed by blue skies and light traffic and I arrive in Cayambe in near half the time it took the previous day. I spend some time at Quitsato taking pics and listening to an interesting historical account of the region. The volunteers there are quite informed and do a great presentation, well worth the time.

After getting the 411 on a good road leading up to Volcan Cayambe, I head north.Again the traffic is mild and I resume carving up the twisties. I’m attentive to road surface conditions as a practice so the fact I didn’t pay enough attention to the old oil spill in the bottom of a left-hander is notable. The short of it is, after low sliding, the bike and I get a little banged up and I make a trip to the ER for a minor injury.

As it happens, when I arrive at the ER there is another 950 rider there following a minor mishap. His brother Andres (also a rider) is there and makes sure my process goes smoothly. Andres also hooked me up with a top-notch independent KTM mechanic. Thanks again, amigo! X-rays revealed my finger was only dislocated and Ortho fixes me up in no time. The paramedics and ER staff were professional and competent. Cost for all services that day was ~$125 USD. That includes ambulance ride, x-rays, treatment, drugs, and truck rental to get the bike back to Quito.

I’m sharing this experience because I think it’s worth highlighting the risks involved in international moto travel. My speed and inattention to an obstacle were the contributing factors to this incident so I accept fault. In the end, I got to meet some of the great people of Quito and make some new moto friends so I’m chalking this up to experience. The bike is fixed up and I’ll be on the road again as soon as my replacement jacket and zumo arrive. Garmin and Revit both worked with me to minimize my cost and expedite shipping so I thank them as well.

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